hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

high school

TOEFL prompt: Define success and provide three examples. Me: Sure!

Success is a relative concept. The term may broadly refer to satisfactory results due to the achievement of certain goals, but there is a huge range of possibilities if we talk about those. Mainly, everyone could agree that success is the …

Never, never give up

The expression “Never, never give up” is that kind of sentence you get to hear usually in the worst moments of your life. Or at least, that has been my case. That may be the reason that I have associated certain negative connotations with …

Being an expert versus being a teacher

It didn’t take me long to realize that one thing was being an expert in some subject and another very different thing was to teach that subject to someone else. ‘The Atom’ was an eminent professor of Physics. I had the uncomfortable honor …