hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

A sci-fi intro



Once upon a time, in the most beautiful planet of the universe, there was a civilization formed by beings that used to be born, love and die. For hundreds of years its people worked to learn how to keep themselves alive for longer and make the day of their death as far as possible from the day of their birth. They worked really hard and managed to duplicate their time in the most beautiful planet of the universe. They duplicated their chances to love and be loved.


One day, all those efforts, those hundreds of years of work learning how to stay alive and love for longer, were shattered. The places and tools they had built to keep themselves alive for longer collapsed and millions were dying. The reason for this was as tiny as was the way to avoid it. They had worked for thousands of years to create complex systems that enabled them to access resources, solve problems and organize themselves to prevent collapses. But they didn't use that knowledge, they didn't use those resources, they didn't use those systems.


The leaders of this civilization suddenly worked really hard to make these beings believe that the loss of lives and thousands of years of accumulated knowledge was unavoidable. They wanted to preserve their privileges by doing so. Among the rest of the beings, some still knew how avoidable all this was. Most of them had to accept that the avoidable wasn't really avoidable because it was unavoidable that the leaders and the rest of the beings acted the way they did.


But in a corner of the planet, a small fraction of these beings, a really small fraction, refused to believe it had to be that way. One of them is still alive and telling this story today.