hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

Staying healthy (the motivation behind)


These days, in order to stay healthy, many people join gyms or sport clubs, run in the street, follow diets, practise yoga, get many kinds of body treatments, eat organic foods, seek information about the latest trends in training or dieting, get plastic surgery or just read Deepak Chopra’s entire bibliography.


In my opinion, staying healthy is not a matter of following a trend, it has nothing to do with fitting into that pair of skinny jeans or with spending a fortune at Whole Foods. Staying healthy has more to do with having good self-esteem and loving yourself.


Recently, I’ve found the internal motivation to stay healthy, not because of others’ demands or for social acceptance, but because I’ve decided to take seriously the inescapable responsibility of taking care of my health. After all, no one but me can do that job.

We only have a body, and it’s going to be our home for the time we’ll stay here. Our responsibility is to take care of it, pamper it and love it as much as possible. Health is about putting yourself at the top of your priority list, about loving and respecting yourself, and that’s the best motivation behind whatever method you may use to stay healthy.