hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

Childhood: a time trial sowing


Childhood is a crucial part of our lives. The first thirteen years of our existente is the gap of time in which we’ll get to know the world and we’ll learn its structures and, most importantly, the strategies and different ways to survive in it. This very first and epic learning process will have a huge reprepercusussion on our future lives from a psychological, emotional and cognitive perspective and this will later pour its impact into the society, culture and community in which we belong.


From a psychological point of view the experiences lived in our childhood may be translated in good approaches towards the different situations we face in our adult life, or instead, may operate as the causes of pathological behaviours and serious mental health issues.


From an emocional point of view, the love received in our childhood has been proven to be the best ‘energetic source’ for the human soul throughout all our lives. To be loved and respected by the people of our environment, especially our parents, will provide us a strong self esteem that will be the key of happiness in adult life. On the other hand, to feel alone and unrespected in these years may generate harm in the self conception of a human being and in his future development.


From a cognitive perspective, we can state that in childhood the primary values and beliefs which conform our thought system and desition making process are being settled in our minds. Wrong ideas, misconceptions, and some kind of culturally poisoned statements can be extremely harmful and very difficult to erase later. A good education in which freedom of thinking and universal respectful values are provided, can nip the bud of many diseases in our future societies.


In conclusión, I can do nothing but agree with the statement and encourage parents to pay special attention to that fundamental time in their children’s lives.