hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

Why people work (the actual reasons)


To have a job is a natural thing, and it is said that we humans spend around 60% of our lifetime working. It’s not something to question. We are born, we go to school, we work, and we die. However, when the natural chain of events gets disrupted by something beyond your abilities, when the economy of your country collapses and falls, working becomes something more like a privilege, like owning a ship or having dinner at the Ritz every night.

Since you don’t have a job, you have got plenty of time to think about this. Suddenly you realize there are many elements that were nonexistent before. You start to notice and consider them while wondering what’s behind this working thing we do for a living.

First of all, working is a fantastic way to avoid thinking about existential matters. Let’s face it, Greek philosophers didn’t have to wake up at 5 am, take two trains, dig all day and come back home at night. Their deep thinking was possible since they were lying down on pillows, chewing grapes and sipping wine.

Secondly, working keeps your worries away from family issues, at least for a little while. No TV soap could ever be broadcasted having its main character as someone who spends 10 hours stamping papers and has 3 hours of commute time daily. She would not have time to cry, love or fight.

Finally, working gives you an automatic utility, a perfect reason to justify your breathing in front of society. System, holes, customers, and papers need you, you are somehow essential, indispensable. That way, you don’t have to strain your soul and brain in trying to give yourself any other reason or goal to live by.

You work, you generate wealth, you spend it so you get yourself satisfied, you keep your hands busy, and you give your brain some downtime. In conclusion, someone come to save me… being unemployed is just too hard!