hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

Café terrace


Table 4:

"Check this out. I made it myself last night. I think it is not bad." "Let me read: COMPUTER ENGINEER, MAINTENANCE, REPAIRING, CUSTOMIZE, BUILD PER PARTS, RECOVERING FROM BLACKOUTS. FREE INTERNET SETUP. CONTACT ONLY THROUGH WHATSAPP. FREE YOUR SMARTPHONE. ALL IN CHINESE DEVICES." "What do you think?" "I wouldn't call." "Why?" "It sounds like a fraud." "That's exactly what people want." "People want quality and confidence." "Ok, you tell me how I should offer illegal services for 3 euros per hour while sounding trustworthy." "Establish a multinational company." "This life is crap. I need a decent job." "Hahahaha hahhaha ahaha ah ah hahaha ay." "What are you guys going to have?" "I want a glass of clear" "I want an empty glass. Thanks." "Sure." "Hey, I don't want to share my beer again." "Just till next week, I swear. Look at that, look at that, look at that. Now, those are legs." "Really, I mean... How can we be friends?"

Table 7:

"Oh my, oh my, oh my, I want to be those shorts." "So do I." "Well, what are they saying? Are they coming over or not?" "Seems like they are, but later. This girl and her friends are a pain in the neck when it comes to setting a time." "Yesterday I saw Jose." "Whoa, really?" "Had not seen him since his wedding." "Poor kid, he's already under domestic arrest." "What a loser." "Yeah, well, with Dani it's practically the same." "And with Rober as well... You need to be an idiot to get tamed like that." "Clin." "What has she typed now?" "They are downtown." "What!? No, not again." "Get your wallet ready my friend." "I hate women, really, they all should burn in hell." "Better we move now, it will take a while to find a parking lot." " This time you pay." "Me? Who's car is this, boy?"

Table 1:

"This is your third mobile this year." "I need it, OK?" "Then don't say you cannot afford to fix your mouth." "Fine. You know what? I like my teeth the way they are. Have you got any problem with that?" "Your call." "I feel like French fries. Do they serve French fries? Go ask." "I'm not getting up to search for that waiter again. You want fries, you get him to see your hand raised. All the best." "I can't even take HD videos with this junk." "You really should fill those gaps." "Forget about my teeth." "I'm talking about something else." "Forget about that as well." "Yeah... I'd better forg... Excuse me! Excuse me! Another glass over here, whenever you can." "You didn't ask for my fries." "I'll go to the bar and order them. Is that ok? Do you need something else?" "Yes, a new mobile." "You make me want to kill myself." "You make me want the same." "Mammma boo-hooo." "Leave the phone for God's sake. Can't you see she wants breast?" "Get me the bloody fries NOW."