hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


The survey (an essay about tendencies in unprecedented times)

When I think of hobbies, surveys come to mind. Escaping the severity of current times would probably be easier for me if I played guitar, chess or bought a pair of rollerblades. But we all know the ways of entertainment are inscrutable, so…

A sci-fi intro

Once upon a time, in the most beautiful planet of the universe, there was a civilization formed by beings that used to be born, love and die. For hundreds of years its people worked to learn how to keep themselves alive for longer and mak…

The list

It was Sunday, like today. I had just hugged my friend goodbye, taken a book from her, walked past the magnolia tree of my road. All the flowers upright, breaking the downward tendency of the branches, like the hands of an Indian folk danc…