hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


Fly me to the drain

Pouring it down. Four floors above some tiny street of downtown Madrid. 1:50 p.m. A boat's cockpit, a few windowed square meters that the landlord stole from the terrace, that's the kitchen there (or what my roommates call a testing ground…

My life with Rob

Rob was white-brown-black. He had a hole in his leg and something going on in his ear that made him unable to keep balance, avoid idiots and jump on time to fall with elegance. I never cared. In winters, he liked to sit on the couch beside…

A new workout routine (girls fight)

I posted a note on the fridge some months ago: ‘Leaving for skipping robe. I’ll be done at 3 p.m. Save some cake for me.’ This note, which was wickedly intercepted by the girlfriend of one of my roommates, generated quite a stir by the tim…

Roommates (the good ones)

Good roommates are a rare species. They hide in the most unexpected flats, usually in inhospitable districts, dwelling in the smallest rooms, sharing their orange juice and living peaceful lives. For the last years I’ve had a bunch of room…