hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


A country for old men

Dear President of the Republic of Spain, In the first place, allow me to congratulate you. We have a bright country despite the weather. The public administration works so hard on itself, that sometimes it reminds me of an ascetic monk thi…

False friends?

English and Spanish share some common words. Some of them mean the same thing, some of them don't. The second kind is unfairly called ‘false friends’. I confess I have a weakness for these… same length, same weight, same sound… and a suppo…

Innocent games

When I was little, my siblings and I used to play a game called ‘The dictionary’. The rules were easy. Someone picked a word, quite a complicated one, and wrote down its official meaning on a piece of paper. The rest of us had to compose a…

A new workout routine (girls fight)

I posted a note on the fridge some months ago: ‘Leaving for skipping robe. I’ll be done at 3 p.m. Save some cake for me.’ This note, which was wickedly intercepted by the girlfriend of one of my roommates, generated quite a stir by the tim…