hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


I can't write today

I can't write today. I'm in a rush. In a couple of hours I'm leaving for another town. My sister is getting married. I'll give a speech at the ceremony. I've already read it to three people. The three of them cried. I think that means it's…

Ordinary life, extraordinary people

If I had to describe someone who I admire, I would probably talk about Diego. Diego lives close to the train station of a grumpy southern town. He likes waking up early, combing his unkempt eyebrows and allowing his feet to gently guide hi…

Reading, writing and some malfunctions in the global era

Reading and writing has become a first order necessity in this age, illiteracy is an unacceptable circumstance for the majority of modern societies and everyone accepts that reading and writing is one of the fundamental skills to be able t…