hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


I can't write today

I can't write today. I'm in a rush. In a couple of hours I'm leaving for another town. My sister is getting married. I'll give a speech at the ceremony. I've already read it to three people. The three of them cried. I think that means it's…


If I had the opportunity to travel to a foreign country for two weeks, I would love to go to Cuba. I’ve always felt attracted to that little island, its landscape, its people, their nature, but especially, their music. The first time I saw…

About music

Music is the most intangible art that exists. It spreads as freely as light does, and it has accompanied humans from the very beginning. Even Greek philosophers used to put it at the top of their “sublime list”. No doubts music is a divine…