hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

The thing about 'change'


Whether it is good or bad, change is an undeniable element in this experience we all call life. You can show as much resistance as you want against it, but change has been, is and it will always be there to give you a quick slap, to pinch you slowly or maybe to kiss your cheeks.


The thing about change is you cannot avoid it, but probably because of social, cultural and political reasons (very much linked with the interests of the powerful ones), we regular human beings are scared to death of change. We refuse to embrace it, even though it is a fundamental part of our nature, beauty and spirit.


I think change may not always be a good experience, but under many circumstances it may be a priceless opportunity to measure your skills, your strength and your humanity, to make you improve and open your thought range. Change is a perfect variable which makes us keep going and I’m sure it has been designed to allow everything we are surrounded by to be alive and meaningful. Relationships, professions, society, science, family, Sun, Moon, Earth, skin, hair, outlook, brain… everything around is meant to change… so we are as well.


For a long time now, I don’t know other circumstances than changing ones. Everything in my life seems to move and mutate all the time and sometimes I fantasize about a static life with a fireplace and a fence. But, I’m happy with this changing nature this Universe has, and I’m willing to get its slap or kiss, whatever it has for me.