hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it



I have this habit of being hungry before I eat. No merit: it's an automatic habit. I, like my father, eat whatever is there. Leftovers, burnt edges, rotten bananas. I cut what's rotten, I eat the rest. No merit: that's what he taught me to…

The list

It was Sunday, like today. I had just hugged my friend goodbye, taken a book from her, walked past the magnolia tree of my road. All the flowers upright, breaking the downward tendency of the branches, like the hands of an Indian folk danc…

Kids and cells

The use of mobile phones has become widespread among the youngest members of our society. This undeniable fact, partially triggered by the nature of the modern market, has aroused the worries of teachers and therapists and has initiated a …

About teaching adults

I guess making a change implies a major turnaround. I think until now I’ve not spun far enough to change other people’s lives, or even my own, really. But this period of my life is like the anteroom for that spin, and I couldn’t be more ex…

The thing about 'change'

Whether it is good or bad, change is an undeniable element in this experience we all call life. You can show as much resistance as you want against it, but change has been, is and it will always be there to give you a quick slap, to pinch …