hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

About music


Music is the most intangible art that exists. It spreads as freely as light does, and it has accompanied humans from the very beginning. Even Greek philosophers used to put it at the top of their “sublime list”. No doubts music is a divine wave: it enters our brain, it reaches all our nerve endings, it relays our soul. Musicologists can explain much better than I how it generates an impulse response in our bodies. But, beyond the psychophysical process with which music reaches us, I think that its extraordinary quality lies on its ability to generate an affect on us.


Music tends to relate with emotions, and it has the power to make us experience feelings in its maximum depth, in its widest proportions. It has the capacity to change our mood, to make us vibrate with a determined frequency. It connects us with memories. All of a sudden a melody can open a ten-year locked door inside of us. Music also brings people together… music knows many ways to put a spell on us.

I guess music is all about energy, a celestial energy that can materialize our longings, our melancholy, our complexity, our joy as nothing else can. Music is important to many people because it is a loyal partner, always there in the good and the bad, letting us know that we have not been the first to have that feeling, and  sometimes even dragging us to climb the highest steps of life. Music will be there to give us goosebumps of happiness, to amaze us and maybe to reconcile us with the world and with ourselves. Music is one of the wonders of human creation and a particular art without which we can barely imagine life.