hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

Weekend plans and motivational crises (I don't want to be a driver)


What am I going to do this weekend? Well, this is the only prompt that I feel qualified to explain, and not exactly because of my excitement before the amazing plan ahead in the next days. I’m struggling with something, something that drys my brain, something that spoils my mood and mutes my ideas, something that bores me more than the TV broadcast of the Tour of France, something that will ruin my weekend once again: driving license multiple-choice theory tests.


I still don’t know what I was thinking, what was exactly my mind’s state when I surrendered to the pressure of siblings and friends. I probably was confused, I guess I had lost my senses, weak under their reasoning… or maybe tired of waiting for the local bus, 45 minutes in the last 3 days. The thing is I gave in. I succumbed to the social demands and, dragged by one of my sisters, I got there.


That driving school looked like the mustiest place on Earth. Its name was something like ‘Divine Shepherdess’ and the walls were covered with yellowish posters advertising the 2005 campaign for national driving safety. The secretary thought I was the daughter of my sister and treated me as if I were a rookie 18-year-old girl. That would not have been so bad if later my poor sister hadn’t eaten my head cursing and grumbling about that woman’s blindness. My weariness had just begun.


Now I’m stuck, I’m trapped. I have to go through that annoying test. I have to read one by one the more than 1000 questions with their following 3000 answers and decide 1000 times about something that I cannot even bare. I don’t want to be a driver. I doubt if I ever will save for a car, a car… I don’t know anything about cars... I’m a public transportation kind of a person. I’m happy while waiting for the bus.


So this weekend, it seems like I’ll be making red crosses on a driving theory book... and wishing I could be doing something else.