hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

Family: a rich text to be decoded


Family is one of the main elements of our lives:  the original population of our world, a necessary nourishment for us to survive and the fundamental source of emotional richness and unconditional support.

Family forms a small universe which covers the totality of our childhood land, an important field of our youth and the central part of our adulthood, when we switch to our own.

A human baby is one of the few animals that could not overcome his first years in solitude. Family assumes the role of supporting that creature in the beginning of his race for survival and, beyond that, enables the presence of a constant human environment in which the basic tools and principles of socialization are established as a constant throughout our lives.

Family will give us an invisible inheritance, a rich text to be decoded along with the development of our individual nature, experiences and circumstances. The emotional guidance that family love provides may be one of the deepest sources of happiness in a human life.