hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

About friendship


Sometimes I wonder about the nature of this peculiar phenomenon among people. At times I try to reconstruct the genesis of this sort of miracle. Every so often I want to untangle the geometry of this intangible tie, to extract the recipe of this youth potion, or at least to learn the name of the alchemy behind it.

Friendship may be spontaneous but it is definetely not a random matter. It is meant to be, it was written somewhere by someone eons before us. Although it happens from time to time, it may last eternally. It is both exclusive and inclusive. It stretches and tightens. It may occur never or once or may keep on coming throughout your entire life. There is nothing more bitter than losing a friend, nothing sweeter than reencountering one and nothing truer than time passing by, aging the ones you have. When I think about friendship seven or eight names come instantly to my mind, but one of them comes first.

“Circumstances can’t prevent the union of those who are destined to meet” and after saying that, she always stayed. Gestures never gone by the wind. “Wake up, comrade, get up, I’ve juiced the oranges, let’s go for a walk.” “May I always defend your name.” “Butterflies will emerge from the ashes, don’t cry, I swear.” It is the proudest clap, the frankest smile, the tightest hug, the clearest glance. Freedom in its natural place. No judgments. No demands. Skin deep, wide, certain, honest, wild. Room for your worst and for your best side. Love given and taken, no receipts, no scales. Last thing standing, what we always have when we have nothing. This thing that sometimes happens.