hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


The list

It was Sunday, like today. I had just hugged my friend goodbye, taken a book from her, walked past the magnolia tree of my road. All the flowers upright, breaking the downward tendency of the branches, like the hands of an Indian folk danc…

False friends?

English and Spanish share some common words. Some of them mean the same thing, some of them don't. The second kind is unfairly called ‘false friends’. I confess I have a weakness for these… same length, same weight, same sound… and a suppo…

Dear Jan

Dear Jan, I haven’t heard from you for the past two months. I guess you may be already in Nuremberg getting ready for your course, or perhaps back to Sheffield babysitting that sod, or hopefully plucking apples with Vincent at Limoges. I m…

About friendship

Sometimes I wonder about the nature of this peculiar phenomenon among people. At times I try to reconstruct the genesis of this sort of miracle. Every so often I want to untangle the geometry of this intangible tie, to extract the recipe o…