hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

An August morning like any other (a senseless rundown)


10:00 a.m.; tomato on toast; juice made out of one and a half oranges; demitasse of dark coffee; me having breakfast at any coffee shop. Breaking news in the local newspaper: It has been proven that Averroes changed the path of trending topics in 12th Century France. I raise my eyes and I see Diego passing by. “Boy, you look pale.” “Sorry, I can’t stay. I’ve lost my dad’s car keys. God, I think I’m having a nervous breakdown”.

10:15 a.m.; synthetic plant on top of a round table; 52-inch flat screen television; painting of a deer hanging next to it; Diego and me in his parents’ living room. “Stop shaking, drink some water. Try to concentrate and remember where you saw them last time.” “Right here, under this plant. I jumped out of bed at 5 a.m. I don’t know why but I suddenly felt the keys were just not there and hell, I was right. Stupid piece of kitsch art.”

10.30 a.m.; cabinet doors wide open; emptied jars; chickpeas rolling everywhere. “Carmen, stop asking questions and start searching. You aren’t helping.” “I’m just trying to figure out whether you are having some common panic or suffering a real anxiety attack.” “I don’t know, something in my chest doesn’t feel right. My hair is also painful, if I still have any.” “You just confirmed my suspicions. Now I must explain to you the biological responses you are about to have in order to prevent it. Listen and stop messing the kitchen up.”

10:45 a.m.; “My body is not getting ready to die!!” “Stop overreacting and accept the scientific facts. It is just like if you were a prey facing an imaginary threat.” “The threat is as real as my father not ever lending me his car again, and what I am facing is this psychological speech of yours driving me even more nuts!!”

11:00 a.m.; glorious sunshine hitting the street mercilessly; approximate temperature of 34 degrees in the shade; me alone humming at the N3 bus stop; "...uuu like the deserts miss the rain…"; what a heck of a song.