hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

About humanity (another TOEFL prompt about success, what an obsession they have!)


The most important characteristics that a person can have to be successful in life are self-confidence, perseverance and humanity.

Self-confidence will be the start button to have success. Beyond whatever success means for someone, one will need a high dose of self esteem to achieve it. To love and care about oneself, to value our strong points and accept our weak spots, to trust in our own capacities and not to be scared of failure, to be able to define ourselves not just on terms of our achievements but on terms of our potentials: this is self-confidence. Self-confidence will act in us as the prerequisite to be successful and, at the same time, as the most essential asset in case that success is a long time in coming.

Perseverance will be the master key, because success rarely appears by accident, and even if it does, the only way to keep it is using the tool of perseverance. Giving up when facing a hole in the road is sometimes the most irresistible temptation in the path of life. Dedication and patience, the hard work and the humbleness that it requires are the only exercises that will toughen up our muscles in the race to success. Perseverance will give us strength, will widen our lungs and will also make possible for us to enjoy the landscape before we reach our goal.

Humanity is last, but not least, the most fundamental characteristic to achieve success, to make a worthy use of it, to spread its goodness around, to take it to the next level, and to get growth out of it. Humanity will give a meaning to our success. To be respectful and to have integrity in our struggle to achieve our dreams is a prize itself, and perhaps even the true success is this.