hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

Where are the flowers? (a tale in five paragraphs)


“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority… Children are now tyrants… They contradict their parents… and tyrannize their teachers.” Socrates (469–399 B.C.)

Some elders say they don’t recognize this world; some youth say things were better before. I listen to all of them with doubt. When were the seeds of evil sown? It seems not recently.

Western society, what a nice job. What a brilliant future. What a laudable goal. Let’s conquer the globe! Let’s pollinate every garden! Let’s water the ground! Let’s pluck the flowers! Let’s offer them to God! Come on! Come on! Bend and work! Let’s sell some at the market! Ours are the best flowers! The most beautiful!

What have we done? What did we plant? When did this start? Where did those seeds come from? What have we harvested? Who has the flowers now? Where are the flowers? I've never seen them. I recall the thorns in the hands of my grandparents, fields riddled with thistles, the war, the hunger, and thorns in their foreheads…

Some children in this world love luxury, despise authority, speak back to their parents, have poor manners… Others have nothing and run along the shores being struck with balls of fire. Who were the flowers for? A bunch of traders.