hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


Better hungry than dead

The wife of the Spanish poet Miguel Hernández had only onions to eat while breastfeeding their son. Hernández wrote Lullaby of the Onion for them while imprisoned by the fascist regime. Mother and son survived. He was denied medical attent…

A country for old men

Dear President of the Republic of Spain, In the first place, allow me to congratulate you. We have a bright country despite the weather. The public administration works so hard on itself, that sometimes it reminds me of an ascetic monk thi…

Where are the flowers? (a tale in five paragraphs)

“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority… Children are now tyrants… They contradict their parents… and tyrannize their teachers.” Socrates (469–399 B.C.) Some elders say they don’t recognize this world; …

Scientists, artists and what is valued by my society (or how ironic a TOEFL prompt may be)

If I had to think about scientists and artists and tell whose contribution is more valued by the society I live in, I’d probably have a tough time trying to be objective while thinking about it. Both arts and sciences are fortunately highl…