hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


Kids and cells

The use of mobile phones has become widespread among the youngest members of our society. This undeniable fact, partially triggered by the nature of the modern market, has aroused the worries of teachers and therapists and has initiated a …

About teaching adults

I guess making a change implies a major turnaround. I think until now I’ve not spun far enough to change other people’s lives, or even my own, really. But this period of my life is like the anteroom for that spin, and I couldn’t be more ex…

Levant (nowadays no more summer breaks)

Summer breaks, those unending periods of time in my childhood days, three long months of sun and waves during which alarm clocks, teachers and rain boots were a vague memory, almost non-existent. That natural border between the fourth and …

Please, you go first (said Science to Humanities)

I agree with the statement for which it is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics because I consider a general knowledge of past events and their reflection on the c…