hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


The survey (an essay about tendencies in unprecedented times)

When I think of hobbies, surveys come to mind. Escaping the severity of current times would probably be easier for me if I played guitar, chess or bought a pair of rollerblades. But we all know the ways of entertainment are inscrutable, so…

Knowledge without enthusiasm (engine without starter)

I’m not sure if it was Jack Kerouac who said that the only requirement he asked of his acquaintances was an uncontrollable fascination towards life. I guess that’s too much to ask nowadays. The twentieth century has passed away and the you…

About teaching adults

I guess making a change implies a major turnaround. I think until now I’ve not spun far enough to change other people’s lives, or even my own, really. But this period of my life is like the anteroom for that spin, and I couldn’t be more ex…

Knowledge from books vs knowledge from life

When I think about the priceless teachings learned from the source of experience, when I think about those essential trial and error processes that I’ve gone through, when I watch proud and pleased the winding road I’ve dragged myself on… …