hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


Better hungry than dead

The wife of the Spanish poet Miguel Hernández had only onions to eat while breastfeeding their son. Hernández wrote Lullaby of the Onion for them while imprisoned by the fascist regime. Mother and son survived. He was denied medical attent…

The odd couple

The odd couple exists beyond Jack Lemmon and Neil Simon. It actually is a natural phenomenon going on at my flat now. Enough of perfect matching souls, wedding ribbons and better halves. We’ve seen too many of them throughout our lives. I’…

Innocent games

When I was little, my siblings and I used to play a game called ‘The dictionary’. The rules were easy. Someone picked a word, quite a complicated one, and wrote down its official meaning on a piece of paper. The rest of us had to compose a…

Family: a rich text to be decoded

Family is one of the main elements of our lives: the original population of our world, a necessary nourishment for us to survive and the fundamental source of emotional richness and unconditional support. Family forms a small universe whic…