hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

Employment crisis (just a random conversation)


Last night Rosa and I were throwing stones at the sea, this is one of my favorite times of the year, when it is past 10:20 pm and you can sit on the shore and still see brief glows of sunlight in the skyline. “We serve nobody,” Rosa said, “and that’s the core of the matter.” Rosa is my best friend, by the way. I couldn’t imagine a world without her, or maybe I could, but it would be just dull, cruel and barren. We were rambling about our professors’ generation, their comforts and their current recognitions. “Forget it, we cannot reach that. I mean, they did because they were on the right path, at the right time, when things still were possible to be achived through hard work and dedication, when there was always a spot for the good one.” “These days there is no guarantee after that. It doesn’t matter how you toil and toast your brain, you may end up standing in the unemployment line.” “But what if it were a generational problem?… what if actually something is really wrong with all of us?” “What do you mean? Like a poisoned milk brand back in the 90s or something?” “Well, probably, but more something to do with our concept of giving to others. Maybe we somehow have this lack of necessity to expose openly our knowledge. We sort of hide our skills, our ideas, they seem to be too precious for us to disclose…” “Yeah… for them that point was the whole point. They knew they had to serve somebody. By the way, have you heard that song?” “Nope.” “Dylan’s song, never mind.” “You mean to say our parents’ generation had the solid belief of whatever they did in life had to be somehow in service to society?” “Something like that. Don’t you think we have a selfish concept of what work is supposed to mean? Like, if work had to be from and for ourselves all the time?” “They were more committed to others. That’s right, even to their own parents, even to us.” “A totally higher concept of family.” “I think I’ve listened to that once.” “Listened to what? “ “It may be the devil, it may be the Lord… na na na... yes I know that song.” “C’mon, I’m freezing here. It’s almost 11. Let’s get back.”