hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


Rosa's revelations attack again

"It doesn't matter what your job's all about, you'll end up alienated." "Oh, c'mon." "You can turn your head, you can live with your back to reality Carmen, but trust me, this is for sure: the system leaves no escape, this show is meant to…

Rosa's revelations

“Hi lil’ rat!” “Hi Carmen! How did you know it was me?” “I read ROSA on my phone screen.” “What a nice full moon, right? What’s going on over there? Tell me!” “It’s my break week.” “Right. Then you must be watching Lebanese movies, skippin…

Angus' threat

My middle sister is getting married. So far nothing thrilling or surprising. She has found the perfect guy. They sound like two songs by Carosone; they look like a finished 10000-piece puzzle, they smell like melted candy in an amusement p…

Absent-minded nature (robes and I)

It was my second year at college, my friend Rosa and I lived in the downtown area of a cute city in Southern Spain. It was a neighborhood full of college buildings, bookstores, coffee shops and used clothing tents. The music conservatory w…

Employment crisis (just a random conversation)

Last night Rosa and I were throwing stones at the sea, this is one of my favorite times of the year, when it is past 10:20 pm and you can sit on the shore and still see brief glows of sunlight in the skyline. “We serve nobody,” Rosa said, …