hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

generation gap

A country for old men

Dear President of the Republic of Spain, In the first place, allow me to congratulate you. We have a bright country despite the weather. The public administration works so hard on itself, that sometimes it reminds me of an ascetic monk thi…

Moms are a lost cause

It never rains to everyone’s liking. That’s a saying in Spanish. For the past weeks the sun has heated the walls of my flat so much that the very thought of rain flows down my body and triggers cracks in the floor tiles. Water… what an ext…

Employment crisis (just a random conversation)

Last night Rosa and I were throwing stones at the sea, this is one of my favorite times of the year, when it is past 10:20 pm and you can sit on the shore and still see brief glows of sunlight in the skyline. “We serve nobody,” Rosa said, …