hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


Competitive skills (an attempt competition letter)

Dear selection committee and other bureaucrats whom it may concern or not but that for some reason have to read this letter in order to file it, burn it or use it to even the desk's legs:I chose the Monographic Course on Aesthetics to fulf…

Absent-minded nature (robes and I)

It was my second year at college, my friend Rosa and I lived in the downtown area of a cute city in Southern Spain. It was a neighborhood full of college buildings, bookstores, coffee shops and used clothing tents. The music conservatory w…

A glorious state of mind

12th of September, Philosophy and Letters campus, green building, second floor, 3:50 pm. Eyes and hands moving at an incredibly high speed between the papers in my folder. I’m searching for a concept. Never figured out it was going to be l…

Judging a book by its cover

A couple of weeks back, I had a meeting with Luna, one of my best friends from our college days. She was carrying a fruit box full of books. It was what she calls her “feminist library”. In the past, I saw her all the time reading that kin…