hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

hypothetical situation

The survey (an essay about tendencies in unprecedented times)

When I think of hobbies, surveys come to mind. Escaping the severity of current times would probably be easier for me if I played guitar, chess or bought a pair of rollerblades. But we all know the ways of entertainment are inscrutable, so…

The great white egret

She was already there, peeking from the side stairs, smoothing her spotless black dress with the gestures of a housewife. It would have been impossible for me to tell wether she was nervous or not. Checking the sole of her right high heel …

Lucy (not a review of the movie at all)

Last night. Four people of an uncertain age in a car heading to the movie theater. A figurine of Jabba the Hutt hanging from the rearview mirror. Average percent of brain usage barely reaching 10 point 01. Let’s name them Do, Re, Mi and Fa…

Competitive skills (an attempt competition letter)

Dear selection committee and other bureaucrats whom it may concern or not but that for some reason have to read this letter in order to file it, burn it or use it to even the desk's legs:I chose the Monographic Course on Aesthetics to fulf…

Somewhere at this moment (an ode to frustration)

Somewhere at this moment there is an English person studying Spanish. Somewhere at this moment there is a Spanish person studying English. The first has conjugated the future perfect of 'to fall' instead of the subjunctive. The second has …

A plan for tonight

Tonight I'm feeling like having sushi (and maybe needing one or two spoons of nama cheesecake) so why not have dinner with the honorable Kiyohiko Azuma. After all, I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him yet, so having dinner with him to…