hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


Lucy (not a review of the movie at all)

Last night. Four people of an uncertain age in a car heading to the movie theater. A figurine of Jabba the Hutt hanging from the rearview mirror. Average percent of brain usage barely reaching 10 point 01. Let’s name them Do, Re, Mi and Fa…

A plan for tonight

Tonight I'm feeling like having sushi (and maybe needing one or two spoons of nama cheesecake) so why not have dinner with the honorable Kiyohiko Azuma. After all, I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him yet, so having dinner with him to…

Film knocking book (enjoyment and tuna cans)

It is said that reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching movies, but actually I could share a few evidences that it is not always like that. David Cronenberg was one of those geniuses that I began to discover through his old works. …

My brother's legacy (a comic review)

My brother’s room is my favourite place at home. I know it should be mine, but nothing is more refreshing than opening someone else’s door and entering into a completely alien territory, different in size, different in colour, different in…