hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


A plan for tonight

Tonight I'm feeling like having sushi (and maybe needing one or two spoons of nama cheesecake) so why not have dinner with the honorable Kiyohiko Azuma. After all, I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him yet, so having dinner with him to…

Lost in Venezia

My brother Manuel was taking what we call a year off from his major. It was not a gap year, like Americans would say, but an Erasmus scholarship program, which in terms of leisure is pretty much the same. This kind of option, that I never …

Human birds

While some people swing their entire lives on the same branch, others stay in constant flight. If I had to put myself in one of these two groups, I guess it would already be too late to get a nest nearby. That doesn’t mean I hadn’t enjoyed…


If I had the opportunity to travel to a foreign country for two weeks, I would love to go to Cuba. I’ve always felt attracted to that little island, its landscape, its people, their nature, but especially, their music. The first time I saw…

Learning a new language (the wrong kind of coffee)

Learning a foreign language can be one of the biggest adventures of your lifetime. At least, that’s been my case. I remember when I was nine years old and I had my first English lesson in my homeland, everything seemed so colourful and eas…