hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


The odd couple

The odd couple exists beyond Jack Lemmon and Neil Simon. It actually is a natural phenomenon going on at my flat now. Enough of perfect matching souls, wedding ribbons and better halves. We’ve seen too many of them throughout our lives. I’…

Lost in Venezia

My brother Manuel was taking what we call a year off from his major. It was not a gap year, like Americans would say, but an Erasmus scholarship program, which in terms of leisure is pretty much the same. This kind of option, that I never …

My brother's legacy (a comic review)

My brother’s room is my favourite place at home. I know it should be mine, but nothing is more refreshing than opening someone else’s door and entering into a completely alien territory, different in size, different in colour, different in…