hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it



It is one of those times when there is no sunset, just a mist. You stare at the sea and the line of the horizon is gone. You are in front of an abstract canvas, too close, with just one colour: grey. There is height and there is width, bu…

The list

It was Sunday, like today. I had just hugged my friend goodbye, taken a book from her, walked past the magnolia tree of my road. All the flowers upright, breaking the downward tendency of the branches, like the hands of an Indian folk danc…

When the future is unwritten

In two days a list will be published. A surname will be missed in the registry office, another will appear at a border, two initials will cross a secret gate, a country will enter a rank, a song will fall to the ground. I never dealt well …

Who said astrology?

“Can’t you see how merciful and wise the Universe is? It will always give you back as much as you offer it.” If I had to pick a friend to spend the night stargazing with, I’d choose no other than her. The secrets of the starry sky are some…