hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it



At first he didn't know who I was. My sunglasses, my ponytail. He looked at my trainers. "You are 'la' Carmen, right?" It was fictional to return to that place and see how almost every leaf was untouched. A van with a scary clown sprayed o…

Moms are a lost cause

It never rains to everyone’s liking. That’s a saying in Spanish. For the past weeks the sun has heated the walls of my flat so much that the very thought of rain flows down my body and triggers cracks in the floor tiles. Water… what an ext…

A walk to purgatory

The difficult slope. That’s what I named it. It was two hundred meters away from my house. Just a cut in the ground, an ascending wall of mud delimiting a sunny field of daisies from the shady forest of cypresses that crowned our side of t…

Human birds

While some people swing their entire lives on the same branch, others stay in constant flight. If I had to put myself in one of these two groups, I guess it would already be too late to get a nest nearby. That doesn’t mean I hadn’t enjoyed…