hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


False friends?

English and Spanish share some common words. Some of them mean the same thing, some of them don't. The second kind is unfairly called ‘false friends’. I confess I have a weakness for these… same length, same weight, same sound… and a suppo…

The odd couple

The odd couple exists beyond Jack Lemmon and Neil Simon. It actually is a natural phenomenon going on at my flat now. Enough of perfect matching souls, wedding ribbons and better halves. We’ve seen too many of them throughout our lives. I’…

Human birds

While some people swing their entire lives on the same branch, others stay in constant flight. If I had to put myself in one of these two groups, I guess it would already be too late to get a nest nearby. That doesn’t mean I hadn’t enjoyed…

Knowledge from books vs knowledge from life

When I think about the priceless teachings learned from the source of experience, when I think about those essential trial and error processes that I’ve gone through, when I watch proud and pleased the winding road I’ve dragged myself on… …