hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

time travel

Better hungry than dead

The wife of the Spanish poet Miguel Hernández had only onions to eat while breastfeeding their son. Hernández wrote Lullaby of the Onion for them while imprisoned by the fascist regime. Mother and son survived. He was denied medical attent…

Mosquito bites

This movie title 'Reality bites' just popped up in my head. The 90's. A bunch of good-looking Hollywood actors in lumberjack shirts pretending they had problems, dancing in gas stations. I must have watched that movie in awe as a teenager …

Time travel rocks!

If I had the opportunity to travel to the past, just one trip would not be enough to satisfy my ambitions. There are so many D dates to witness, so many lost cities and so many cool people to meet, that I don’t even know where to start. Bu…