hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it


Better hungry than dead

The wife of the Spanish poet Miguel Hernández had only onions to eat while breastfeeding their son. Hernández wrote Lullaby of the Onion for them while imprisoned by the fascist regime. Mother and son survived. He was denied medical attent…

Mosquito bites

This movie title 'Reality bites' just popped up in my head. The 90's. A bunch of good-looking Hollywood actors in lumberjack shirts pretending they had problems, dancing in gas stations. I must have watched that movie in awe as a teenager …


A good friend of mine wrote once that, in his heart, Barcelona was twenty five. Now that I think of Madrid, I guess I could write something like that. I still remember when I reached that city in a moving van. I was carrying with me a chee…

Knowledge without enthusiasm (engine without starter)

I’m not sure if it was Jack Kerouac who said that the only requirement he asked of his acquaintances was an uncontrollable fascination towards life. I guess that’s too much to ask nowadays. The twentieth century has passed away and the you…


It has a revolutionary flavor and it comes always after a long summer. The streets filled with students, the theater billboards packed with intriguing films and the smell of the newly printed ink flying out of the bookstores as though it w…