hi! this is Carmen's blog

I'm trying to write in English and I thought this could be a nice place to do it

The odd couple


The odd couple exists beyond Jack Lemmon and Neil Simon. It actually is a natural phenomenon going on at my flat now. Enough of perfect matching souls, wedding ribbons and better halves. We’ve seen too many of them throughout our lives. I’m going to vindicate weird couples, since the oddest one has got together in front of my eyes. It is an on and off relationship, I agree, but it has been formed thanks to me, and it usually lasts as long as a visit before leaving to France (which happens to be a lot): my old friend Luna and my brother Ignacio, ‘Lunigna’ to simplify. God knows whenever she comes over they both become a double headed freak and join strengths to bring the craziest side out of me.

Luna is barely 155 centimeters, Ignacio is around 191. She is a good witch, he is a scientific madman. She doesn’t see the need for wearing shoes, he doesn’t see the need for getting a cab (even if it is a shared one, in a foreign country, being completely lost , at 3 a.m. and without a map.)  Yeah, they are both equally stubborn. Luna reads Rousseau and shamanic treatises,  Ignacio reads manga and algebra papers. He plays online chess, she plays billiard at bars that look like dens. She listens to Camarón, he listens to Dire Straits. Luna smokes rolling snuff, Ignacio leads the anti-tobacco brigade. He lectures me about prime numbers, she holds forth over the secret of white rabbits. She speaks with a childish timber, he sounds like a biblical thunder.

Who said couples have to be alike... They just might share certain patterns. These two have nothing on Earth to do with each other, but when it comes to disagreeing with me, they are a pair of tanks lined up in a parade. “But Carmen, what are you trying to say? Wow, you really don’t make any sense.” “Forget it Luna, my sister doesn’t even know how to explain the most basics terms.”

Last night they boiled my blood like a frying pan heating tap water; now they are sleeping like innocent black and white angels. But revenge is a cold dish, and a blank document somehow a fridge to store my counter. I have to love Lunigna, though. They are just like Jessica and Roger Rabbit… or maybe more like Jerry and Tom or even like Hardy and Laurel.